Friday, March 1, 2013

Romanian Seaside: 6 Features

Vile Eforie Nord: Romanian Coast

Romanian Black Sea coastline stretches over a length of 245 km (of which 82 km are in Constanta county), between Cape Midia and Vama Veche north to south. Range, with a width of about 150-200 m, fine sand is mostly a gentle slope, easily accessible. Black Sea has several features that distinguish it from other large and increase its tourist function:

  1. The low salinity of its waters favors water and practicing diving spots;
  2. in summer, it shows high intensity currents and waves do not reach great heights;
  3. lacks virtually high and dry beach resort offers guests a permanent basis;
  4. coast down smoothly without sudden depths and has no rocks and gravel for other riviere, hinder access to the sea, the base of the cliff, the waves formed a fine sand beach covered with clean, deep and soft, providing excellent conditions for sunbathing ;
  5. sea ​​fauna is dangerous elements still lacking, thus allowing without RESTRICTIONS, large bathrooms;
  6. marine air is characterized by high purity, natural aerosols from crushing waves and floating in the air, containing trace elements contained in seawater, and their breathing helps the body mineralization.
Cazare Eforie Nord

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