Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cazare Eforie Nord: Black Sea (part 2)

Cazare Eforie Nord: Black Sea

Black Sea lacks tides. The level difference is recorded as a result of tidal phenomenon is only 12 cm. Instead, during a storm, the waves can reach a height of 5-7 m

Although it is connected by the Bosporus oceans in terms of the Black Sea remains a major continental thermal regime. This means that the surface temperature of water beds (0-75 m) follows the evolution of air temperature, sometimes even freezes. In summer, the region is strongly heated, the temperature of the Black Sea waters.

Another feature of the Black Sea is that its plant and animal life is represented only in the superficial layers, from offshore and to depths of 150-200 m, however, the Black Sea has a low pelogica life instead seaside life is extremely rich. This is one great big richest in fish in the world. According to morphological peculiarities and its specific conditions of life, the Black Sea is considered unique Hydrobiology, organisms living in it with their own characters.

Romanian coast of the Black Sea starts at the country's border with Russia (Musura arm) and extends southwards for a distance of 224 km., Up to the border with Bulgaria (Vama Veche). Between mouth Chiliei and St. George, a distance of 40 km., Sea shore is the eastern limit of the Danube Delta. From St. George to Cape Midia sand portion is held low, largely dominated by this complex Razim-Sinoe.

Cazare Eforie Nord 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Cazare Eforie Nord: Black Sea (part 1)

Cazare Eforie Nord: Black Sea

Situated between the parallel 40o55 'and 46 ° 32' north latitude and between the meridian of 27o27 'and 41o 42' east longitude, the Black Sea has an area of ​​413,490 km2, maximum depth of 2,245 m is, the average depth of 1282 m and the volume of 529,955 km2. On the northern and eastern shores of the Black Sea washes the land of the former USSR, the land south of Turkey and west territories of Bulgaria and Romania.

A peculiarity of the Black Sea is the small number of islands, are only 5 islands: Fidonisia, Berezoia and Snake Island, St. John's Island, Isle Kefken. Snake Island not far from the mouth of the Danube, the legend says would have been a temple famous Greek hero Achilles. After the accounts of ancient writers, ash Achilles, killed by Paris to Troy, was taken from his mother at the mouth of the Danube and buried on Snake Island where he raised a temple and a statue. Unlike other large Earth Black Sea is less jagged shores, only a few bays, but wide open. It is one of the largest continental and second largest by volume, maximum and average depth - as the Mediterranean and the North Sea.

Another characteristic feature of the Black Sea waters they are much lower salinity than other seas and oceans. Black Sea salinity is dependent, inter alia, climatic factors that affect evaporation and river water intake and Mediterranean. On average, Black Sea waters contain half the salinity of oceans or other large salt and 17 grams in 1 liter of water from 35 to 39 grams / liter, the world media. Salinity increases with depth reaching 22.4 g / liter on the seafloor.

Salinity variation depending on the presence of fresh water or salt, with variations in temperature and wind are the main reasons that cause the exchange of water from one place to another, which in certain circumstances take real look of marine rivers (streams). Along the coast revealing variation of coastline to identify the presence of a huge circular river that "running" in a counterclockwise direction.

Cazare Eforie Nord

Friday, March 1, 2013

Romanian Coast: Access Routes

Beach access roads:

1. Road - there are 4 roads that reach Constanta
1) National Road: Bucharest - Fetesti - Constanta
2) E 60 FC - Slobozia - Constanta
3) E 87 Tulcea - Constanta (the derivation for Braila and Galati)
4) National Road Calarasi - Ostrov - Constanta
2. Rail - route Constanta - Mangalia has the following stations and halts: Gara Constanta - for Constanta, Mamaia and Navodari, Agigea Station, North Station Eforie, Eforie South Station, weightlifting Tuzla Costinesti Station (Wreck-northern resort area); Halta Costinesti (for Costinesti-), weightlifting Neptune (Neptune, Olympus, Jupiter) Mangalia station (for Mangalia, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Cap Aurora, Neptun, Olimp, May 2, Vama Veche).
3. Air - 20 km from Constanta International Airport is Kogalniceanu, which connects with both national airports, and local internationale.Transportul between Constanta and other towns on the coast can be done, besides railway route, and minibuses (with starting from 10 to 10 minutes, traveling the distance Constanta - Mangalia in about 45 minutes) or private buses and coaches, departing every 20 minutes. Between Constanta and Mamaia there are several routes: 40, 41, 101, 23 (lines transport company), 301, 302, 305 (maxi-taxi). In the southern coast, between Mangalia and Neptun - Olimp, and between May 2, Limanu and Vama Veche, distance is traveled by minibus.

Vile Eforie Nord: Sun Highway
Cazare Eforie Nord

Romanian Seaside: 6 Features

Vile Eforie Nord: Romanian Coast

Romanian Black Sea coastline stretches over a length of 245 km (of which 82 km are in Constanta county), between Cape Midia and Vama Veche north to south. Range, with a width of about 150-200 m, fine sand is mostly a gentle slope, easily accessible. Black Sea has several features that distinguish it from other large and increase its tourist function:

  1. The low salinity of its waters favors water and practicing diving spots;
  2. in summer, it shows high intensity currents and waves do not reach great heights;
  3. lacks virtually high and dry beach resort offers guests a permanent basis;
  4. coast down smoothly without sudden depths and has no rocks and gravel for other riviere, hinder access to the sea, the base of the cliff, the waves formed a fine sand beach covered with clean, deep and soft, providing excellent conditions for sunbathing ;
  5. sea ​​fauna is dangerous elements still lacking, thus allowing without RESTRICTIONS, large bathrooms;
  6. marine air is characterized by high purity, natural aerosols from crushing waves and floating in the air, containing trace elements contained in seawater, and their breathing helps the body mineralization.
Cazare Eforie Nord