Thursday, February 28, 2013

Main Resorts on Romania's Coast

Cazare Eforie Nord
             Black Sea is a tourist area of  great importance for Romania offering a wide range of attractions: resorts with beaches, aquariums, entertainment spaces (parks, discos), parks, and resorts Balneoclimateric potential and the annual atrege a significant number of Romanian and foreign tourists (especially from France, Germany, Romania or neighbors).
             Main form of tourism practiced here is the spa-sea to cure helio (large baths, mud treatments accompanied by terapautic) and the climatic. The Black Sea this position is held by the following resorts: Mamaia, Neptune, Saturn, Varna, Yalta, Sochi etc.
             Black Sea is not a 100% natural tourism resource. Over time were made here damming, ancient buildings were built, parks, artificial lakes were created were high buildings or tourist importance.

Mediterranean style holiday on beaches

Beautiful weather from spring to autumn and huge stretches of golden sand make the resorts on the Romanian coast of the Black Sea an ideal destination for holidays at sea.
Conditions offered are of good quality: hotels of all categories equipped with all modern facilities, a lively nightlife (discos, restaurants, bars, some concerts in the open air), a wide variety of fields and gyms and numerous targets of interest tourism on the coast, from castles to vineyards.

The flora and fauna in water sports

In its entirety, the Romanian Black Sea coastline stretches over a distance of 245 km (153 miles) from fascinating nature reserves intact Delta to many modern holiday centers. While Delta is strictly protected area, the south, with a length of 72 km (45 miles) was transformed into a chain of seaside resorts and spas that meet the most demanding tastes, from children to those of older people.
All these resorts are served by staff in local tourism and transport services in Constanta. In addition, virtually no tides in the Black Sea, so swimming can be practiced safely far better than other parts of the world.

Let's talk about the main resorts of the Black Sea coast of Romania:


With an international airport, a seaport very active, fast trains to connect to Bucharest (two hours and a half) and a history of over 2500 years (the Latin poet Ovid lived here in exile), cosmopolitan center of Constanta highly sought after by tourists every year.
Hotels, shops, ancient monuments, a magnificent beachfront casino and museums, all of which are part of the attractions of this city. The most famous museum in the city is the Aquarium which annually attracts thousands of visitors from home and abroad.
Constanta is easily reached by train or bus, in any of the resorts on the Black Sea coast. Constanta is situated 13 km near Eforie Nord.

Vile Eforie Nord


The main resort located north of Constanta is Mamaia, which stretches over a distance of seven miles in a splendid incredibly fine sand beach and a lake. This resort is especially suitable for families with children.
You can practice sports such as diving and paragliding from May to October. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs offering entertainment every night. Starting in Mamaia, you can easily visit typical villages of the area, ancient Greek ruins of Histria and the Danube Delta.
Whole resort is very well known for the famous palm acclimated here after the decision of the Ministry of Tourism and local authorities to attract more domestic and foreign tourists have.

South of Constanta - beauty and deities

South of Constanta, a stretch of 50 km, covered with golden sand stretches to the border with Bulgaria, and there are a number of resorts that carry the names of famous female characters from mythology and inspired. Next to these resorts you can find Eforie Nord and Eforie Sud.

The most beautiful places in the Black Sea

Among the most popular resorts include Neptun and Olimp, originally built as holiday centers for imbogatitii communist period. Now, here tourists can enjoy the comfort of luxury villas or hotels of excellent quality, some of them located right on the beach, others in silence Comorova forest that lies between the coast and lake.
Tastes of the most demanding tourists are satisfied with tennis courts and other sports, outdoor restaurants, the discos, bars and cabarets night.

Cheap vacations and youth

Further south, Jupiter, Cap Aurora, Venus and Saturn offers a wide variety of very affordable hotels, campsites and rooms for rent, and Costinesti is primarily a youth resort, providing cheap and noisy entertainment (discos and outdoor concerts). Other cheap establishments might be found in Eforie Nord and Eforie Nord. Look for the word cazare.

Mangalia is renowned for its therapeutic treatments

Callatis fortified Greek colony, built in the sixth century BC, became the resort of Mangalia, where the hotel specializes in such treatments. Here, as in Eforie North and South Eforie Neptune can practice a wide variety of treatments including mineral-rich mud baths, thalassotherapy and famous Romanian Gerovital cure.
The medical staff is specialized and highly trained and consultation clinics and offices remain open throughout the year. Other cheap establishments might be found in Eforie Nord and Eforie Nord. Look for the word cazare.

Cazare Eforie Nord

Monday, February 25, 2013

Black Sea Romanian Coast

Vile Eforie Nord Hotels  


Romanian Black Sea coast runs from the mouth Chilia north to Vama Veche south over a length of 244 km.

Shore aspect

In the Delta, many silt carried by the Danube with the Black Sea that tides are very weak, leading to the formation of deltas at the mouths of side and arm Chiliei St. George, or silt bar next to the Sulina branch, which always impede navigation.

Relief characteristic in this area are sea-river levees (cross), which have a mixed waters (river and sea), larger built by ancient shore lines that create coordinated coastal marine currents, have them sand dunes mobility due to the sand surface under wind action, the levees of the river-maritime coast stands: Letea, located between Chilia and Sulina arm has a triangular shape pointing north, coast surface is irregular due to sand dunes which sometimes reach heights of 12 m, island Saraturile lies north of St. George's arm.
The right arm is Island Sacalin, which is one of the few islands that accompany the Black Sea.
South of the Delta, toward island Razim is perishable.

In southern Delta, to Cape Midia, near shore runs consisting of lagoons Razim lagoon complex, Zmeica, Sinoe and Golovita are old bays of the sea, then separate it by cords sand and sea estuaries: Babadag, Tasaul. This often occurs coastal belts and banks. Lagoons longer communicate with the sea by mouth port and Periboina, so these lagoons are brackish waters. Towards Razim, North Dobrogea Massif continue with porches and porch Agighiol Hamangia.

Between Delta and Cape Midia coast is low and sandy. Between Cape Midia and Vama Veche shore is high, abropt sea, forming cliff. In AME portions appear beaches, which favored the development of important tourist resorts and spas. Marine estuaries relief emerges Tasaul, Techirghiol, Mangalia, Eforie Nord, Agigea, Tuzla, tanneries, Tatlageac and Siutghiol lagoon with fresh water, because there is great communication interrupted.

Vile Eforie Nord Seaside


The coast is under the influence of the Black Sea (Pontic influences). Winters are mild (average temperature in January is-2oC) and dry summers (July average temperature: 22 ° C).
Of winds, the prevailing north-east, adding that local winds, sea breezes. Local circulation of air masses causes the warm period moderating temperature and increasing humidity on a stretch of 25-30 km from the shore.
The number is sunny days per year 130-170  (the highest in the country).
Duration of sunshine hours per year 2300-2400 totals, made significant potential of solar energy.


Stagnant waters are represented by lagoons (Razim), as well as by sea estuaries (Tasaul freshwater Techirghiol and Agigea with salt water and curative mud, Mangalia with sulfurous waters, Tuzla, tanneries, Tatlageac, etc.).
Groundwater is located in at great depths.

Vile Eforie Nord Scubadiving


In the Delta, lakes and streams grow plants with floating leaves, plants and fragments floating reed islet (braids of roots and stems of reeds), lilies, sedge, reed. The levees are woods consist of white poplar, gray poplar, aspen, English oak, gray oak, downy oak, alder. In forests on the top Letea is well developed shrub layer (hawthorn, blackthorn, Sanger, Macies, etc..) Which is complemented by a rich flora climbing: wild vine, bindweed climbing etc. On coastal sands coastal vegetation is represented, with grasses and salting through bushes.


Specific steppe are rodents: Steppe mice, ground squirrels, hamsters and of birds: great bustard, quail, partridge, like seagulls.
Aquatic fauna of the Black Sea is varied as represented by mussels, oysters, shrimp, crabs, sponges, jellyfish, dolphins notice of mammals. Of fish, representative are: blue mackerel, turbot, catfish, rays, seahorses, anchovies, sturgeon (starlet, beluga sturgeon) and sharks.


Objectives: spa resorts are very important tourist summer season: North Complex Mangalia, Mangalia, Constanta, Techirghiol, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Constanta, Mamaia, Navodari, traces of ancient cities: Tomis, Histria, Enisala, Roman mosaic from Constanta the Danube -Black Sea, the Danube Delta.

Cazare Eforie Nord

Sunday, February 24, 2013

About Eforie Nord

Cazare Eforie Nord
Plaja Eforie Nord
Eforie Nord is second in size resort on the Romanian coast, located just 15 km from Constanta, is preferred by tourists because of its proximity to the resort both mother and resorts from South Costinesti, Neptun-Olimp, Jupiter, Cap Aurora, Venus, Saturn, Mangalia, many tourists choose to stay in North Eforie due to lower prices and that peace can enjoy a day or a night at the beach or in clubs or Costinesti Mamaia.

Also Eforie Nord is a well known spa resort, both in Romania and in Europe due to the proximity with both the Black Sea and the Lake Techirghiol and not least because it holds the most modern physiotherapy centers in the country - Sanitarium Efosan and the treatment of Hotel Europe - Ana Aslan Helth Spa.

The resort has a wide opening to the sea and over a cliff 30 meters înlălţime. Over 3 km long beach has portions that reach 100 m in width. Fresh air is given by the 30 acres of wooded areas in the resort. Hotels, villas, holiday homes can accommodate up to 19,000 visitors. The treatment works all year round accommodation being heated during the cold season. The bases treatment of North Eforie treating inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases, peripheral nervous system diseases, movement disorders, dermatological disorders, obesity, respiratory disease, sterility, rickets, neurasthenia. Here are maintenance and beauty treatments using renowned products such as Gerovital, Pell Amar, Boicil and others.

Cazare Eforie Nord